There was a time in my life when all hell seemed to break loose. When one of the trials was a surgery in my throat area, I was angry. “Why Lord?”  I thought about all those times that I was faithful to Him in using my music gift. All I wanted was that His name be glorified. I did not feel that I deserved this “punishment”. 

After the surgery, I could not speak.  It was a very traumatic experience for a singer. I wrestled with God. Finally I knelt before the Lord and said, “God, you are never wrong! You always answered all my questions. I don’t understand why all these things happened. But over the years you have shown me that you are loving, kind, faithful, righteous, just, and full of wisdom. I have made up my mind. From now on, no matter what happens, I choose to worship you, to give you praise, glory and honor as long as I live.” 

Three months later, my voice returned. Praise God! I rested my voice with absolutely NO singing for a year. When I finally started singing along with the congregation during a Christian Conference, miracles happened! All kinds of melodies came through my lips.  They keep coming when I am in public or when I am alone by myself. Later on these supernatural melodies would turn into songs. Then lyrics started coming too. These songs seem to have a life of their own. I did not make them up. Usually, I do not know what the next note is until after it leaves my mouth. It seems God has taken hold of my lips to sing His songs! These songs come at any time and any place. A lot of times, God puts me in a semi-conscious state when ideas of lyrics come. 

My voice seemed to have turned supernatural as well. He may freeze me when everyone else is singing. Whenever He wants to, sound bursts out of my lips. It was so even when I was not trying to sing. Somehow, in their own mysterious ways, these melodies still blend well with the worship of the congregation.

This is how the songs in this website came about. These are songs of different genres and cultures. Therefore, I believe these are God’s messages to the nations.  To God be all the Glory!